Terms and Conditions Divemaster
Registered user
all the data added in registration will be kept in the database and visible to other users. this is still under development and privacy or openess might be changed during time. your dive logs and other data ( certificates, sites) are stored so that other users can see it.

Keep comments clean
Preffered language used in comments or any other textual data, is to be kept clean, for instance, avoid using bad words, Otherwise you might be removed as a user.

Material with pornographic content
Images or videos with pornographic content is not allowed, like nudes or sexual actions. It will be reported if highly deviating, and in any case the user will be removed.

Multimedia files
Use small files, decrease them in paint or any video editor. I have very small limits running and mysql is open source, and there are limitations with transmitting binary files

With encounter of bugs or errors
There is no fee payment in Divemaster, from costumer to owner, or contractual relationship to the developer and the users, so I take the right to not correct any bugs unless I find time for it. feel free to contact developer for bug reports or errors.

Entitlement of use /data
There is no fee payment in Divemaster, from costumer to owner, and There is no entitlement to the usage of Divemaster and the data beeing used. I take the right to shut down site at any time without prior notice. Registration does not establish a contractual relationship with me/owner to the users, and there is no binding entitlement to the data inserted/added/updated.